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Live Like You Are Rich LLC
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Akky Ak

Tuesday 1st of January 2019

You are great inspiration for lot of people,we are inspiring from you.


Monday 27th of February 2017


Hope you are doing great well.

I am looking for some advertising opportunities and impressed with the quality of your blog I was wondering if you allow Sponsored Posts and In-Content Text Link ad placement on your blog. Can you please let me know with the price you charge for per post and In-Content link placement?

Looking for your kind reply.

Best Regards, Zainab

Anita Fowler

Tuesday 21st of March 2017

Please email me directly at

Kathy Dettloff

Saturday 14th of March 2015

Hi Anita, I just found you on Pinterest !! I LOVE the Baby Shower Idea's and am planning to use the "Little Peanut" theme for my daughter first baby :)

However, was wondering if you could send me file for invites and how to make diaper wreath, cake and silouettes.

Thank you so so much

Anita Fowler

Saturday 14th of March 2015

Thanks Kathy- Did you not download the free printables? They have everything I have. There should be an elephant and invites in the free download on that post. Best!

Emyle Prata

Thursday 29th of January 2015

Hi Anita! I just wanted to tell you I love your blog SO MUCH! I've been reading it for over a year now, and can't get enough!

I wanted to nominate you for the Lovely Blog award. The instructions are here:

Keep on writing, hun!

Hilary Jackson

Sunday 11th of January 2015

Hi Anita, oh my goodness, this challenge is incredible, we are on day 9 and already I have started saving money and had so many 'oh heavens' that's where my money is going, moments, absolutely incredible. I am recently divorced and really have to look at every penny, this challenge is helping me in every aspect. I look forward to every days challenge with anticipation, as I get so excited about saving money. Thank you for making this challenge so much fun. Kind Regards Hilary Jackson (United Kingdom)

Anita Fowler

Monday 12th of January 2015

You're so welcome, I'm really glad you are loving it!
