1- The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt- This was an excellent book on how to safeguard children from the pernicious effects of social media, the internet, pornography, and other issues related to technology. Haidt gave actionable tips and strategies on how to go about protecting children. This is a must-read for parents of younger children. I’ve already recommended it to friends and family members.
2- Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto- I loved this book. It made me laugh and smile a lot. It is an entertaining and humourous book about an Asian American who owns a tea shop in San Francisco and who tries to investigate a murder. I highly recommend it. Note- There is some bad language in it.
3- Far From a Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy- I love this book. I think the 2015 movie was done excellently so if you aren’t a listener/reader give the movie a try. Hardy wrote a dynamic story with characters who had believable human elements—everyone had insecurities, weaknesses, and strengths. Bathsheba is an inspirational character in how she matured with experience and overcame many trials.
4- Once We Were Brothers by Ronald H. Blason- This is an engaging book about a fictional story of two men during WWII in Poland. It is pretty depressing and sad. However, there was a reprieve from the sorrow when the storyline snapped back into the present-day 2020s and focused on the lawsuit that was occurring. It was interesting and entertaining; it ended well.
5- When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi- This memoir is about a brilliant neurosurgeon who struggled with cancer. I was so impressed by Kalanithi’s work ethic, desire to help others, and faith. It was a really good book—although it was also quite sad. Note- This book could trigger someone who has had cancer or struggled with severe illness as he uses many examples of his patients in the book.
6- In the Shelter of Hollythorne House by Sarah E. Ladd- I love Ladd’s books. They are clean, usually very entertaining, and have dynamic Edwardian/Victorian romances. This book is about a woman whose husband suddenly dies. She tries to sort through the very difficult and precarious position she and her young child are in. I think I listened to most of her other books in February. If interested in those reviews, jump to that post.
7- And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie- I recently saw a documentary on Agatha Christie and learned that this is one of her most famous books. I waited months for the audiobook to become available and this month it did. I like most of Christie’s work but this one was bit too gruesome for me. There were too many deaths one right after the next without reprieve or break. So, while it was an interesting/catchy storyline, I didn’t love it. I think I would have liked it more if the people were pushed to confess one right after the next instead of (Spoiler)…being murdered.
8- Aunty Lee’s Delights by Ovidia Yu- This was a good book, it is very similar to the Vera Wong book that I also read this month but this one wasn’t as good. It was good enough for me to continue the series… check back in a month or two for a review of the next book(s).
9- Harry Potter (in German) und der Stein der Weisen by JK Rowling- I’m trying to keep up on my German. Since I know the Harry Potter storyline, I thought it would help me with my language to listen to it in German. Ultimately, it is helping although admittedly, I do get lost at times as when I lived in Germany I didn’t learn a lot of magic-related words.
10- Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan- If this is really how rich Asians live I have one word to describe it. Pathetic. There are so many good things to do with money—someone needs to teach them to get creative! I will not continue this series as I found the vanity, profanity, sexual references, and lack of morals cringe. That said, I did find the history and dynamic of Singapore fascinating.
11- Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto– I was hoping Sutanto’s books would all be great like her Aunty Wong book. Unfortunately, this one was a disappointment. There was so much profanity and a few explicit scenes that I almost did not make it to the end, in hindsight, I should have just stopped listening. The storyline is incredibly unbelievable. I won’t be listening to the sequels.
12- How to Release Anxiety by Gabrielle Bernstein- This is a short audiotalk on how to reduce anxiety in your life. I liked the idea of using meditation and reminding oneself to calm down… I’m not sure I learned much of anything groundbreaking, it was a good review though.
For other audiobook recommendations, check out this link here.

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