I love to read birth stories. Many are very beautiful, emotional, and inspiring. I have learned a lot from different unique experiences I’ve read or heard about.
Reading through birth stories (especially if you are pregnant with your first) can help you prepare for the birth of your baby. Hearing about a variety of labor experiences helps you to know that the length, intensity, etc. can vary greatly and prepare you better for events that may occur during the birth of your child.
I’ve gathered 10 amazing birth stories that I’d like to share with you.
- Lessons I Learned from Giving Birth on the Navajo Reservation – After much study, planning out the logistics, and prayer, we felt it would be best to have our son on the Navajo reservation. The only problem was that the hospital is over 8 hours away from my home. There were a few people who were worried as well. Some people thought we were crazy and others thought it was cool. Luckily, I have awesome friends and family so the majority trusted our decision. The few who openly told us not to do this ‘crazy thing’ did make me question our decision, but since we both had done so much research and soul searching we decided to do what we felt was the best thing for us.
- Little A’s Birth Story – I had been having braxton hicks contractions starting around 31 weeks. I didn’t feel any with Little J, so it was different and a little scary because we had a lot of traveling to do in July and the beginning of August. So once all the traveling was over at 35 weeks, I was ready for our little girl to be born.
- Charlie’s Birth Story – All pain was gone; only pure relief and then total surrealness was felt. He was a conehead, he was grayish purple, but he looked just like I had pictured and he was nothing short of amazing. You just can’t believe that moment is actually happening. You see it in the movies, and all of your friends tell you about the moment, but until you experience it, you really can’t fathom it’s actually happening.
- My Birth Story: The Birth Of Fern Winter – I had fully prepared myself to be laboring for a long while – days even, since everyone says that first babies tend to take awhile (20 hours on average), but this seemed so fast! I sent a text to my midwife to let her know what was going on and she texted me back saying that I should go back to sleep and call her in the morning to see how things were progressing.
- The Natural VBAC Twin Birth – I took a leap of faith that my birth story could be different, that my body could somehow pull this off — that at age 35 I could have a natural vaginal birth with two babies after having had a c-section less than two years prior. It seemed ridiculous, and impossible, but I was going to try.
- My Natural Birth Story {After Three Epidurals} – I delivered my baby in my nice dim room, no big lights at the end of the bed with the doctor just sitting on the end of the bed ready to catch my little girl. I laid on my side because that was the only way I could get comfortable. When I was ready I pushed twice {with a couple of primal screams to boot} and she was out!
- 9 Lessons Learned from my 7-Day-Labor– That night (the 6th day after going into labor), I kept contracting. In the morning, since I was cleared from bed rest, I ate a good breakfast and decided to get walking. I went to Home Depot to buy Christmas presents…After I checked out, I was making my way to the door and the beeper went off indicating I was trying to steal something. At this exact moment my water broke!!!
- Oliver’s Birth Story-When I was exactly 39 weeks, I went into my doctor for an appointment. Due to some complications with Oliver being IUGR (intrauterine growth restricted) they wanted to monitor me a little bit more since they had considered inducing me earlier that week.
- Natural Labor Using Hypnobirthing – I really wanted to try to prepare to do something new in a way that let me feel more pro-active and in control of the way I responded to labor and childbirth. I did a lot of research of different types of natural birthing: Bradley Method, Lamaze, Hypnobirthing, and then I came across Hypnobabies.
- Nella Cordelia: A Birth Story – I knew the minute I saw her that she had Down Syndrome and nobody else did. I held her and cried. Cried and panned the room to meet eyes with anyone who would tell me she didn’t have it. I held her and looked at her like she wasn’t my baby and tried to take it in. And all I can remember of these moments is her face. I will never forget my daughter in my arms, opening her eyes over and over…she locked eyes with mine and stared…bore holes into my soul.
I hope you enjoyed these 10 amazing birth stories as much as I did!
For other ‘living rich’ tips, please like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest.
Chelsea @ Life With My Littles
Tuesday 17th of May 2016
These are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing mine!
Anita Fowler
Sunday 22nd of May 2016
You're totally welcome!
Monday 23rd of November 2015
Thank you so much for sharing my daughter's birth story! I appreciated reading through all the other stories as well! It's amazing how each birth can be so different and yet so special :)
Anita Fowler
Thursday 26th of November 2015
You're welcome! Thank you for stopping by. Yes birth stories are so beautifully unique!
Chelsea @ Life With My Littles
Thursday 19th of November 2015
Thanks for sharing my daughter's birth story! Reading birth stories while pregnant is the best! And it's the best even when I'm not pregnant, haha! Thanks!
Anita Fowler
Thursday 26th of November 2015
You're welcome. I know don't you love reading through them??? They are just so special and unique!
Anita Fowler
Friday 20th of November 2015
You're welcome!