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How to Get Desitin Diaper Rash Cream Out of Upholstery

How to Get Desitin Diaper Rash Cream Out of Upholstery

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How to Get Desitin Diaper Rash Cream Out of Upholstery

My two year old recently got into the Desitin diaper rash cream and quickly, in a matter of minutes, got it all over in a few rooms of our home. 

Get Desitin Diaper Rash Cream Out of Upholstery

Luckily, most items she touched were able to be wiped clean easily, however, I didn’t notice that she had gotten Desitin on the upholstery of our kitchen chairs, covered in suede and our recliner made of fabric material.

I tried multiple things to clean the stains out and finally found something that worked to get the Desitin out of the upholstery.

How to Get Desitin Diaper Rash Cream Out of Upholstery 4 easy steps…

First, I used hot soapy water on a microfiber towel to scrub the area and get it wet. 

hot soapy water microfiber towel

Next, I put baking soda on the area and the wet surface turned it into a paste. I let the baking soda paste sit on the stain for about 15 minutes and then I came back and scrubbed the area with the baking soda paste; afterwards, I vacuumed it up.

Put baking soda on the area and the wet surface turned it into a paste

Third, I took a little bit of Borax laundry detergent and I sprinkled that onto the Desitin stained areas. Then, using a gentle bristle brush, I softly rubbed the tiny grains of the Borax laundry detergent into the stained areas. This is when I could visibly see that the Desitin was being successfully cleaned up.

Borax detergent


Finally, for the fourth and final step, I went over the area with a wet microfiber cloth and let it dry a little bit. If I saw any other areas that I didn’t get quite clean, I’d just do steps 1-4 over again. Amazingly, the stubborn Desitin stains always came out using these cleaning processes.

I used the soap to cut through the grease of the Desitin.

I used water to help spread the soap and create a baking soda paste.

I used the baking soda to pull out the grease and to clean.

Put baking soda on the wet surface

Then I used the bristle brush (soft), to brush the Borax tiny grains into the stain and pull up/scrub out the Desitin cream.

Finally, I just went over the upholstery with a clean damp cloth to be sure that I didn’t leave a bunch of residue on the upholstery.

Supply List for How to Get Desitin Diaper Rash Cream Out of Upholstery 4 easy steps…

microfiber towel

baking soda

Dawn dish soap



soft bristle brush

optional (vacuum)

Will this process work for other diaper rash creams smeared into upholstery?

I am not entirely sure. I imagine it would since it worked on a suede leather and a microfiber type of material. Simply test this cleaning process on an inconspicuous place on your furniture and if it does not ruin it, try it on the diaper rash cream stain.

I hope this post helps you keep your upholstery clean of diaper rash cream as it has done to me.

Have you used anything to clean diaper rash cream out of upholstery successfully? If so, please comment below.

Thanks for reading this How to Get Desitin Diaper Rash Cream Out of Upholstery tutorial!


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How to Get Desitin Diaper Rash Cream Out of Upholstery



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