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21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

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21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

Having a baby is both difficult and rewarding:  recovering from labor can be extremely difficult; adjusting to a newborn’s schedule seems nearly impossible; and I’m the first to admit that cleaning up from blow outs and constantly trimming microscopic fingernails isn’t the funnest. However, experiencing the joy of a baby sure outweighs the negative aspects. After having my son, I realized just how quickly the baby stage zooms by. In the blink of an eye, he outgrew his newborn clothes. Then seemingly overnight he was sitting up, and soon after that he was in size 3 diapers and no longer much of a baby at all. I’m now going through the same thing with my daughter. She’s growing so fast, and I’m really trying to cherish the moments I have with her.

I wrote a post 19 Must-Make Memories for Parents of Toddlers. I want to add a prequel to that post and write about 21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies.

1- The day he was born. The moments starting when you went into labor and ending in the instant you first laid eyes on your baby comprise a unique and special experience to be cherished forever.

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

2- Her teeny-tiny-ness. Her tiny perfect finger- and toenails are fascinating. Or how about her eyelashes? Can you believe something so perfectly tiny is yours?

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

3- Sleeping in your arms, on your chest, or right next to you. I love to hold my daughter and watch as she sleeps.

4- His toothless grins. When did having no teeth ever look so cute?

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

5- Darling tiny sneezes. I don’t know why babies sneeze so much, but it sure is endearing.

6- When she starts to recognize you. I love it when, in a crowded room, my baby turns her head and eyes to me. A month and a half after giving birth to my son, I had to have an emergency surgery. I couldn’t carry him for a week. One day he was screaming and crying until my mom laid him next to me. He immediately calmed down, cuddled up and fell asleep. I feel so privileged to be my baby’s favorite person in the world.

7- The innocence. I think babies have invisible crowns on their heads (just like in my favorite book). Their perfect innocence is incredible to observe.

8- Dressing her up. Playing ‘doll’ has never been so fun. You get to pick out darling clothes and dress her up. Although it can be a bit tricky at times (bobbling head and all), I sure have fun dressing them and showing them off.

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

9- How easy he is to move around. Picking up a 15 pound baby and moving him around from place to place is easy. Once he starts getting into the high 20’s and 30’s, it’s a bit more strenuous. Cherish the ‘light-weight’ stage.

10-His immobility. Yes, this is something to cherish. If this isn’t your first, you know what I mean. When he starts crawling, the stress factor goes up a notch. Right now you can enjoy your baby without worrying about baby-proofing everything in sight.

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

11- Kisses. Although she can’t kiss back, I love to kiss those chubby checks, squishy hands and toes, and soft face.

12- Her squishy chubby thighs. When Aurora (my daughter) hit 2 months, her thighs and arms became so chubby. I love squeezing her little fat rolls.

13- The simplicity of her diet. Toddlers know what they want to eat (and what they will refuse). I love having a baby because they are easy to nourish (although breastfeeding is hard for me); being able to just feed her milk is less stressful.

14- Babies have such amazing facial expressions, even when little. I love to see their smiles, frowns, confused looks, and the like.

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

15-The ability to have the baby fall asleep anywhere. With my 2 1/2 year old, we are at the stage of the game where he needs to be in a bed for nap time (if we have any hope for him taking a decently restful nap). Babies fall asleep in your arms, in the car seat, in the carrier, the wrap, the restaurant, you name it. If they are fed and tired, they’ll sleep anywhere.

16- How friendly and happy everyone around you is when you have a baby. Having a baby seems to make people overly nice, happy and kind. At church, the grocery store, a blog conference, etc.–anywhere I go with my baby, people are always so friendly, smiley, and attentive. Somehow babies have a special power to bring the best out of those around.

17-Baby chattering. Nothing is so cute as when your baby looks you in the eyes and tries to talk. his little chattering noises are music to the ears.

18-  The softness of her skin and hair is just so cute.

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

19- Cherish the ‘free-pass’ you get on looking should I say, ‘not the best.’ It is no secret that new moms don’t get much sleep, and for the majority of us it does take awhile to get back into our pre-preggo jeans. I try to cherish that ‘free-pass’ and even slack a bit on putting on make-up and curling my hair… but it usually is because I’m busy enjoying the baby cuddles.

20- Sibling love, if applicable. One of my most favorite things about having a baby is to see her older brother adore her. He is always saying, “babee cute, babee hug, babee hold, babee sleep.” I can’t get over the joy I feel when I see my children bonding.

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

21- Finding out what makes them unique. My son was so observant and would love to suck on his binky while looking around. My daughter is totally different. She won’t take a binky and has to be held. Loud noises scare her. No noise seemed to startle my son. And he was always blowing raspberries, which made us laugh. My daughter smiles huge each time she sees me and has the most gentle constitution. Their unique characteristics are so darling and endearing.

These are the things about my babies that I will do my best to cherish forever.

Did I miss one? I’d love to add it to the list. What is your favorite thing to cherish about your baby?

21 Must-Cherish Memories for Parents of Babies

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Wednesday 11th of March 2015

There are so many things that I love about this post. It's so true that they grow up WAY too fast!! Why did my little girlie think it was OK to turn 6 months old last week?? I'm crying now. But really I'm so scared of the next 6 months because she's going to change even more than she has the last six months! I love her teeny tiny hands and her little curled up toes. I love her baby babbling and raspberries. And I SO miss her sleeping on my chest and cuddling with me and the milk drunk smiles! (though I do adore her now cheeser toothless grins!)

Anita Fowler

Friday 13th of March 2015

Ahh thanks Cami. This comment made my day! I'm so glad you love the article! I bet your 6 month old is such a cutie! If you get a chance, check out my must-make memories for parents with toddlers here, it will get you so excited for this next phase!
