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Denise Edwards
Saturday 21st of October 2017
hey Anita, the very same thing happened to me. Can u fix this for me too? Thank you, Denise
Anita Fowler
Tuesday 24th of October 2017
Denise, you were redirected here because you get these three free downloads for subscribing to my newsletter. Thanks!
Thursday 19th of October 2017
Not sure if this was i need to pay to subscribe?
Anita Fowler
Tuesday 24th of October 2017
Staci, you were redirected here because you get these three free downloads for subscribing to my newsletter.
Wednesday 18th of January 2017
I clicked on the link to confirm my subscription, an it redirected me back here. How come
Anita Fowler
Tuesday 24th of January 2017
Sydrana, you were redirected here because you get these three free downloads for subscribing to my newsletter.
Thursday 9th of June 2016
Hi Anita, this is what happened after I clicked on the mail confirmation link. I was referred back to this page. how come?
Anita Fowler
Friday 20th of January 2017
Sarah, you were redirected here because you get these three free downloads for subscribing to my newsletter. I hope you can enjoy them!
Monday 22nd of February 2016
So i signed up and got a confirmation link. When I clicked to confirm, it went back to this page. ?
Anita Fowler
Thursday 25th of February 2016
I've just emailed them to you and fixed the links.