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How to Quickly and Efficiently Soothe and Heal a Sore Throat

How to Quickly and Efficiently Soothe and Heal a Sore Throat

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I get sore throats every time the weather changes from warm to cold. I think it is due to allergies and dry air. It never fails that I get them about the time that we start turning the heater on. I get them so often and bad that I had to have a tonsillectomy and yet they still occur. Despite having no tonsils, they still are painful enough that I eventually can’t speak, eat very much, etc.

Some of the remedies I usually try are: sucking on a Ricola cough drop during the night. This helps soothe my throat so I can sleep. Gargling with salt water. Gargling and drinking warm honey lemon water. Drinking fruit tea with honey, Taking medication, sleeping, running a humidifier, taking vitamins, drinking orange juice, and perhaps a few more things. Even doing these things my sore throats would get progressively worse and cause pain for days before going away…until recently I tried something totally new and totally effective!

What’s the trick? Gargling with pure colloidal silver. I bought pure colloidal silver to boost my immune system while pregnant. The day it arrived I came down with my sore throat. So I did some research and found that gargling 1 Tablespoon of pure colloidal silver for at least a minute (I stop and breath in between gargling so that I can last a minute) and then swallowing the silver has had awesome success at healing and soothing sore throats, so I tried it.

Results? As soon as I finished gargling, I was immediately out of pain. When I say immediately I don’t mean hours later. I’m talking less than a minute after gargling and swallowing the silver, my throat pain was gone. I would then wait and gargle and swallow when the pain came back which was about every 8 hours.

I only needed to gargle silver about three times a day to remain pain free. I have now been doing this for 48 hours and I have been functioning normally. I have no raspy voice, no coughing, I can eat, drink, talk, etc. all without hardly any pain!

I also recently found a way to naturally keep my annual or bi-annual ear infections away with Frankincense and Lavender essential oils (see post here on how to prevent chronic ear infections). So naturally, I tried using Frankincense and Lavender essential oils on my throat topically (outside) as well. These oils seemed to also help. I do also recommend diffusing these essential oils during the day and nearby your bed if you have that option as well. But overall the biggest soother and healing power was no doubt the silver.

This is the type of silver I bought. It is very pure (0 .999%) and has great reviews on Amazon. As you’ll see below my friend mentions that making your own is more cost effective. I may do a follow-up blog post on how to make your own to save money. If I do, I’ll link to it here.

How to heal and soothe a sore throat My experience with colloidal silver has been so amazing that I had to post about it to friends and family on Facebook. I was amazed to see how many of my friends have found it extremely helpful for different ailments. Here are some of their comments:

L – “It’s great for athlete’s foot.  I’ve used it for sunburns, all kinds of infections, and topically on sores.”
A –  “My family has been using silver for longer than I can remember and we are huge believers! Most recently I used it for an eye infection and it killed it so fast! Anita, call me, we actually have a kit and I make mine myself and it’s so much cheaper, just less concentrated. Glad you found my miracle! It’s amazing!”
K – “Great for rinsing the sinus out if you have a cold or sinus infection. Awesome for ear and eye infections too. I’ve also been putting it on my baby for some warts she was going to have to get burned off. It’s awesome stuff!”
A – “It works great topically for acne and for smaller breakouts as well. If you spritz some on the skin at night (or dab it on) before bed you’ll wake up with a lot clearer complexion!”

A lot of people online are saying colloidal silver is great for boosting the immune system and is a great way to prevent catching Ebola (if you are ever exposed). It’s selling out online quite quickly because of the Ebola scare. If you are interested in getting (or making your own), I suggest doing so soon.

As with anything you will want to make sure that you use a moderate amount and not ingest very much. Follow the protocol on the bottles and do further research if needed.

Next time you get a sore throat, give this natural remedy a try.


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How to Quickly and Efficiently Soothe and Heal a Sore Throat great tips on what to try and 1 quick tip that really helps soothe and take away the pain! Gotta try. #sorethroat #remedies #naturalremedies

How to Quickly and Efficiently Soothe and Heal a Sore Throat great tips on what to try and 1 quick tip that really helps soothe and take away the pain! Gotta try. #sorethroat #remedies #naturalremedies

How to Quickly and Efficiently Soothe and Heal a Sore Throat great tips on what to try and 1 quick tip that really helps soothe and take away the pain! Gotta try. #sorethroat #remedies #naturalremedies
How to Quickly and Efficiently Soothe and Heal a Sore Throat great tips on what to try and 1 quick tip that really helps soothe and take away the pain! Gotta try. #sorethroat #remedies #naturalremedies


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How to Quickly and Efficiently Soothe and Heal a Sore Throat – Your Ideas Matter

Wednesday 6th of July 2022

[…] [How to Quickly and Efficiently Soothe and Heal a Sore Throat […]

Michelle Giroux

Wednesday 25th of November 2020

Cinnamon seems to help too.


Thursday 26th of November 2020

How do you use cinnamon to help soothe a sore throat? How to you ingest or apply?


Friday 16th of October 2020

Thanks for sharing the product. I was feeling a bit under the weather and tried few over the counter medicines. Nevertheless, that didn't help. Will let you know if this will be the one.


Saturday 25th of August 2018

Id like to know how to make it. I dont want to be without it. I take anytime prior to getting sick. Especially sore throats


Wednesday 22nd of October 2014

I've heard great things about colloidal silver. However the thing about ingesting it that makes me nervous is argyria. Argyria is when your skin turns blue from ingesting colloidal silver and it can't be reversed. Google it for more info.

Anita Fowler

Thursday 23rd of October 2014

Amy- Thanks for the info. Yes, as mentioned in the article, it is important to follow instructions on the bottle very carefully and not ingest too much. Those with Argyria consume a very high amount to get it. A few tablespoons a day for a few days once or twice a year wouldn't come near to that level. You are right though, you need to be cautious and do your research.
