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Stay-at-Home Mom Career Day Presentation

Stay-at-Home Mom Career Day Presentation

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My sister, Karen Jensen, and I co-wrote a book, Living a Rich Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom: How to Build a Secure Financial Foundation for You and Your ChildrenShe is an amazing mother and SAHM. When she told me that she had done a presentation at her children’s school for Career Day, I asked her to guest post about it. She tells her experience below and has even included the pages/powerpoint free download too!

Welcome, Karen!

A few weeks ago my children came home all excited, showing me the blue papers inviting parents to participate in Career Day. I told them to talk to their father about it and see if he would do it. He was far less excited about it than they were…and I assumed our family would not be participating.

The next morning I woke up with a clear thought that I should do a Career Day presentation of everything I do as a Stay-At-Home Mom. I had heard of it being done before but for some reason I had never thought about doing it myself.

Why not though? What more important work is there than raising children? So I sat down and wrote a quick list of jobs that I do as a Stay-at-Home Mom. The list kept growing until I ran out of room on the paper. I felt I could put together a quality presentation, so I filled out the blue paper and sent it in.

Our school has a lot of parent involvement so they pick and choose which participants they will invite. I wasn’t sure whether I would be invited or not. However, I soon received my acceptance letter and I began working on the presentation.

When Career Day came I was a bit nervous, but I put on a confident front and faced my first class of first graders. It was so fun! They asked lots of questions and they loved seeing the pictures of my kids – their peers in school. My 20 minute presentation turned into 30 minutes and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

I noticed that the teachers reaffirmed to their students what an important job I have, which made me feel good.

There were a few things I will do differently next time: I noticed many parents bringing the children something.

A cop brought star stickers, a miner brought some coal, etc. I would definitely bring the kids something that goes along with my career – perhaps some homemade cookies or other treat.

Another thing I would do differently would be to create my presentation in PowerPoint.

I have a Mac so I created it in Keynote and converted it to Powerpoint. However, some of the slides didn’t convert correctly. It wasn’t a huge issue, but since our school uses Powerpoint I would create it in that program to begin with.

The last thing I would do differently is come up with some kind of way to encourage interaction with the students.

Perhaps giving them a reward if they ask a question or something. One class was very quiet and didn’t ask any questions.

It’s always better with interaction.All in all it was a great experience and one I will do again in the future. I am attaching my presentation so you can get an idea of what I did.

If you are interested in doing Career Day as a Stay-At-Home Mom, you are welcome to use it as a starting point for your own presentation. But, of course, it is very specific to me. You will have to add your own spice and flare to make it work for you. Also, don’t think you have to have a powerpoint presentation at all. The presentations I saw were all very different…as they should be.

And don’t think that your “career” is not worthy of presenting. As one of the slides in my presentation says “Children are not a distraction from important work, they are THE MOST important work.” C.S. Lewis

Happy Presenting!

IF THE LINKS DON’T WORK please send an email to [email protected] or comment below and I’ll email them to you ASAP. But please try the links first. Thanks.

Download Apple/Mac Key presentation by CLICKING HERE- This is a large file even though I tried compressing it.

Download Windows/Microsoft Power Point presentation by clicking here

Download PDF Presentation by clicking here

Get our book here Living a Rich Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom: How to Build a Secure Financial Foundation for You and Your Children.
Karen Jensen

For other ‘rich living tips’ please subscribe, like me on Facebook, and follow me on  Pinterest and  Instagram.

Stay at Home Mom Career Day Presentation


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Vanessa Peterson

Friday 26th of January 2024

I would love to see the presentation but wasn't able to download it. I am curious/nervous how to present being a SAHM. Thank you!


Tuesday 30th of January 2024

The links worked for me. However, I just sent you the PowerPoint to your email that you used to make this comment. Thanks for representing us SAHM's.


Tuesday 14th of February 2023

Hello, could you please email me the link. I was unable to get your link to download.


Saturday 25th of February 2023

Taeler, I already sent it to you through email. Thank you for asking.


Thursday 27th of February 2020

hi Anita, I sent the email too , could you pls. share your presentation. Thank you


Monday 16th of December 2019

I would love a copy as I have to go and talk to my sons 6th grade class in 1 day. Help please!!!


Wednesday 15th of January 2020

Hi Natalie, I emailed you the file. Thank you for asking.


Tuesday 3rd of December 2019

Hello I am having trouble getting the download. Can you please send another way. Thank You Kim


Friday 6th of December 2019

Hi Kim, I e-mailed you the file. Thank you!
