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23 Weird, Common, and Unique Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms

23 Weird, Common, and Unique Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms

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I’ve talked to a few of my friends about their first very early symptoms of being pregnant. Some of the ones we shared were down right weird. So after asking around and doing further research, I decided to list 23 weird, common, and unique very early pregnancy symptoms.

I included all the ones I have experienced, my friends have experienced, or that I have read about. I purposely did not include a positive pregnancy test as a symptom. If I missed one, I’d love to add it to the list so please leave a comment below.

1. Swelling and bloating– Is your wedding ring all the sudden a bit snug? Do your shoes not fit as well? Pants tight or even no longer fit?  For most, swelling and bloating come later in the game but some start swelling and bloating (even significantly) immediately.

2. Vivid Dreams or Nightmares- Has suddenly every detail of your dream or nightmare been easy to recall throughout the day? Often times these vivid dreams can mean you are pregnant.

3. Acne– Have you started to break out or has your completion worsened? This may be an indicator that your hormones are changing and that you may be expecting.

4. Moodiness- Are you angry one second and on the verge of tears the next? Pregnancy can make even the most mellow moody!

5. Increase in snot and mucus production- Have you needed to blow your nose more often? Every single morning since the day I got pregnant with my son I would have to blow my nose. I found out this is normal for pregnant women.

6. Sensitive Breasts- Do your breasts hurt A LOT? Are they a little snug in that bra? Breast enlargement and sensitivity are very common in early pregnancy.

7. Darkening of Areola- Yeah, this is a little weird, but it happens when women get prego. Supposedly its to help when breastfeeding. If you notice it happening to you, you may want to get a test.

8.-Missed Period- Of course this is the most common and normal symptom. That said, some women experience implantation bleeding or spotting so if you are ttc (trying to conceive) and had a very light ‘period’ you may want to test as well.

9. Aches, Pains, and Cramps- Some women get early round ligament pain (stabbing pains in the belly), others experience immediate headaches, back and joint pains.  Many also experience implantation cramping.

10. Strong Hunger and Thirst Pains-When I am not pregnant or breastfeeding I regularly fast for religious purposes. I noticed that while pregnant going just 5 or 6 hours without food felt like I had just fasted for 24 hours. The hunger and thirst pains are very strong for many pregnant women.

11. Nausea- The average person gets morning sickness starting at about 6-8 weeks. For some, it comes earlier for others later and for the VERY LUCKY it doesn’t come at all! If you have nausea check out this post on a few simple tips to combat nausea and morning sickness.

12. Sensitivities- Can you suddenly smell your sink disposal or the garbage can in the next room? Pregnancy gives you a heightened sense of smell. Are your teeth very sensitive to cold or hot?  Are your gums super sensitive while flossing, perhaps they are even puffy and bleeding? These sensitivities call all be signs that there is a bun in the oven.

13. Having to go to the bathroom more frequently- Some of my friends said that they experienced an immediate change in their bladder and the frequency when they went to the bathroom, others said it was more noticeable in the second and third trimesters. For me, it was pretty immediate. I had to start getting up to go during the night once or twice as soon as I was pregnant.

14. Your body temperature rises…or drops- While I was pregnant I was fine with a sweatshirt instead of wearing a coat during winter, a thin comforter instead of my normal large downy one on cold nights, and I had to keep the house cool during the summer or I would swell up even more. If you have been turning the AC on in spring or the heat off in winter or just noticing you are much warmer, you may be pregnant. Other women in the comments below have reported the opposite symptom-shivering a lot while first pregnant.

15. Changes in sleep patterns- Are you tossing and turning and can’t sleep, or falling asleep and snoring through the night? Some of my friends and I went through phases of insomnia and then deep deep comma-like sleeping with lots of snoring. It was weird for me because for weeks I couldn’t sleep and then other weeks I’d sleep 14 hours at a time. Further, the only time I snore is when I’m expecting. I don’t snore every night but when I am in the deep deep sleep I sometimes do.

16. Tiredness and Yawning- Are you struggling at the gym to do a routine that normally never phased you? Are you having trouble staying awake at work or even while talking to friends? Yawning a lot? Your body works super hard during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester). As a result, we are often left feeling exhausted and yawn a lot.

17. Indigestion- For some lucky women they skip this all together but for most of us we have to suffer through indigestion at some point in our nine/ten months. I got mine way early on (it was one of my first indicators that I could be prego). So if you can’t get to the store to buy some Tums fast enough, you may want to grab a pregnancy test while you are at it. For some tips to combat indigestion check this post out.

18. Your hair stops falling out- Have you not needed to clean out your hair brush for the last couple weeks? You could be pregnant. Pregnancy usually drastically reduces the amount of hair that falls out.

19. Cravings- Do you need a banana NOW? Or the famous ‘pickles and ice cream’? Having strong cravings is often associated with pregnancy. I talk about my main cravings here.

20. More discharge or cervical mucus- If you have experienced this you may just test positive.

21. Are the bowels messed up- Needing to pass wind a lot more? Experiencing constipation? Going pee which was once a controlled flow but is now very much like that of a ‘race horse’? If so, you could be prego.

22. Varicose veins- Notice more enlarged or bulging purple blood veins on your legs? This could mean you are expecting as well.

23.  And I saved the weirdest for last. Is your youngest child suddenly acting up? Becoming clingy? Whining and crying a lot? The Navajo culture (and actually a lot of others) claim that your youngest child can sense your pregnancy and acts up as a result. I’m curious if have you experienced something similar?

A few additional symptoms that were mentioned in the comments below:

24. Change in libido- Often there is an immediate change in libido due to hormonal changes. Some women experience and increase, decrease, or change in their sex drive. Other women have reported an increase in the first months and a decrease in the last months or visa versa. I think it is probably slightly different for each woman and each pregnancy but it does happen.

25. Dark patches of skin on the face- I did not experience this with my son but with my girl, I am experiencing it. This concealer will cover a lot of it!

26. Sensitivity to certain colors- As you will see in the comments below, some women also experience distinct hate or nauseousness when looking at distinct colors. Which I had never heard of but other women have experienced.

27. Itching or rashes brought on by pregnancy- A few itching things could be due to hormonal changes, PUPPPS, cholestasis (usually comes in late 2nd and in 3rd trimesters but can come at any time), pregnancy-brought-on-eczema, and/or others. I experienced intense itching in the first pregnancy and used these Aveeno oatmeal baths and ice to help it. It went away but returned as Post Partum PUPPPs and eczema after my son was born. So far with my daughter (I’m in the third trimester) and I now have started experience itching. I have done further research and I may have cholestasis which is rare but can be dangerous. I go in for testing this next week and will update this post when I find out if that is what I have. So if you are experiencing intense itching it is important to talk to a doctor about it.

UPDATE- I did not have cholestasis. I had a bile acid test was done which came back normal. My OB believes that my skin is sensitive to the hormones. I was a lot less itchy with my daughter than I was with my son which may help support that theory. The itching did stop once I had her, hurray!

28. Yeast infections- A woman in the comments below says she always gets a yeast infection right after she gets prego. I got one with my son, but not with my daughter. I looked this up on other forums and it is not unheard of to get a yeast infection in the first trimester or even first weeks of conception.

29. Metallic or weird awful taste in the mouth- I honestly can’t believe I missed this one. This is a very common symptom that a reader just reminded me of. It came and went for me at different parts and times in my pregnancy but was most noticeable in the first trimester.

30. Another mentioned comment below is leaking breasts- I had to do some research and this is what I found…Dr. Miriam Stoppard in her book “Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth” says if you’re in early pregnancy, your breasts may leak a small amount of clear fluid (colostrum), though for most women this doesn’t happen until well into the second trimester.

31. Rectal pain- This one I just heard about due to the comments below. Apparently round ligament pain can be occurring near the anus. This is a less common indicator that you may be pregnant but does happen to some women.

32. Gagging when using a toothbrush- A commenter noticed that as soon as she was pregnant, brushing her teeth made her gag. It was the first sign she had that she was pregnant each time.

33. Is thanks to a reader…“When I got pregnant for the second time, my almost one year old little girl started to refuse my breastmilk… Hormones change the taste of breastmilk and she stopped brestfeeding because she simply didn’t like the new taste… This made me make a test and it was positive!”

34. Tiny bumps appear around the areola. These are called Montgomery tubercles. They appear on the surface of the skin as tiny bumps. They may appear on the areola and the nipple itself. These bumps become more apparent when the nipple is stimulated. They also become more prominent during pregnancy.

35. Temperature charting shows elevated basal temps. If you are charting temperatures for conception or contraception, you will see a rise in your daily temperature log.

Some women will have a few of these symptoms, other unfortunate ones will have them all. I got most of them when I was pregnant with my son and many with my daughter although it was a pain, they are more than totally worth it.

NOTE- Since I’m all about saving money, I just want to put this out there. If you are trying to conceive or wondering if you are pregnant you don’t have to buy the expensive pregnancy/ovulation tests found at stores and drug stores. These tests average .30 cents a piece, have awesome reviews on Amazon, and if you have Amazon Prime, these tests (found here) ship free and will arrive in 2 days!

What Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms did you experience?

Oh and if you ARE pregnant you will want to make sure to check out these posts:

17 Must-Have Items That Will Make Your Pregnancy Much More Comfortable


11 Secrets to Have in Your Labor Bag (that you’ve probably never heard of)- For Women ONLY!

11 Secrets to Have in Your Labor Bag—For Women Only

And 23 Unique Ways to Save over $10,500 on your first baby Part 1 and Part 2 (you can start saving about 12-14 weeks pregnant)


11 Pregnancy Tips that Will Save You Thousands


For other ‘rich living’ and pregnancy tips please subscribe, like me on Facebook, and follow me on Pinterest, and Instagram.

23 Weird, Common, and Unique Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms

23 Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms (Weird, Common and Unique). #pregnancy #earlypregnancy


Here is list of weird very early pregnancy symptoms. I included all the ones I have experienced, my friends have experienced, or that I have read about. I purposely did not include a positive pregnancy test as a symptom. #pregnancy #earlypregnancy




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Rebecca Gardner

Monday 19th of April 2021

I'm glad you mentioned that early pregnancy can cause vivid dreams or nightmares that are easy to recall. My sister noticed she can't stand the smell of certain foods now and also mentioned she's been having frequent nightmares. I'll encourage her to find out for certain if she's pregnant so she can get an early surgical abortion as soon as possible, if that's what she chooses.

Tan Lee

Wednesday 25th of March 2020

I teand to get sensitive down below and orgasim very easily. Not sure if this happens with anyone else. My sex drive increases alot too. I definitely have the vivid dreams, heartburn, very tender Brests, tired sll the time and headaches. I felt all this with every pregnancy I have had. Unfortunately out of the 6 times i felt these things, we o ly managed to have 1 child and he was my 1st pregnancy. I have had 5 miscarriages after him. Yhe funny thing is I am on the pill now, o ly had my period finish 5 days ago and I am feeling all these things now. Even having afternoon naps and my boobs are KILLING me and I only ever get sore boobs when pregnant. I guess time will tell. I am not getting my hopes up and we were definitely not trying as we are getting married next year.

7 unusual and early signs of pregnancy Symptoms | My Blog

Friday 6th of December 2019

[…] a rapid increase in facial hair along with facial pigmentation even though they spend pretty amounts for facial hair removal works. These are the quite common uncommon early physiological condition […]

Deja blue

Tuesday 3rd of December 2019

I think I may be pregnant but afraid of the BFN! Just to give some insight on my current situation, my FDP was Nov. 13th it ended Nov. 17th. Hubby and I began our journey of having intercourse twice a day everyday on the 18th we were going strong up until the 24th when I felt serious pain while having sex in my left pelvic region, I still allowed him to finish however was to traumatized to keep up twice a day. From the 25th till the 30th we remained strong (NO PAIN)on our journey having sex once a day. My app said I was due to ovulate on the 25th in which I believe it actually may have happened on the 24th. Fast forward 2DPO-(current)nipples began to be extremely sensitive like needles and our amount of sleep picked up, we both at times slept all day and would have maybe 4 hours of energy before being completely exhausted again. 5DPO started noticing swelling in hands and feet upon waking up so I decided to check my blood pressure which read 156/104 extremely high for a 29year old who ways 178lbs. Throughout 5DPO I was extremely flatulent all day but ate like I had a tape worm. Hubby has been craving, flatulent, and fatigue in accord with me (new to me) we sleep in opposite of each other but sleep very long hours. The 28th was the hardest (2DPO-current) cooking thanksgiving dinner was so hard because of the constant annoying lower back pain and constant cramping. The night of 5DPO I started feeling nauseas at the smell of cigarettes (I smoke) and alcohol (I drink) smells like powder and must to me yuck. I’m normally hot all the time however lately I’ve had to keep a fleece blanket with me while sitting in the house or car. 6DPO started feeling cold symptoms coughing and spitting more than usual when smoking my cigarette, also my nose feels like it’s replenishing boogers faster than I can blow them. My youngest child is 7 and every 10mins he’s coming to ask am I ok, just got a 9 month old Pitbull and he’s hell bent on sleeping in bed with me right under my tummy. 6DPO feeling stabbing, pinching like feeling on the left side of pelvic area While laying down pressure like tugging. That doesn’t include my feeling of dehydration, water isn’t doing it and my lips are peeling. The last thing is I only have taste buds when i eat something I’m craving. Hubby and I have had a buffalo sauce craving for the last 3 days it’s been placed on everything from McDonald’s chicken nuggets to the McDonald’s quarter pounder in which I had a melt down about because I requested a double quarter pounder. I’m so afraid of the BFN but I would love to hear someone’s elses thoughts that aren’t my own because hubby says daily that he thinks we are pregnant. Any suggestions on how to combat some of these symptoms? Today I returned to work and sitting in the same position DIDNT feel so hot by the end of the day. 6DPO (today) I noticed my urine was cloudy but I’ve been dry down there since after O and that’s not normal. Felt muscles spazzing in my thighs after walking a flight of stairs. Someone help!!!

Ruchika Jain

Thursday 17th of October 2019

All the signs were really amazing! Got to know so much more! Thank you for sharing.
