Christmas Neighbor Gift Just Add Snow… Snow Cones plus Free Printable
This is a fun and unique gift to give neighbors for Christmas.
It is very quick to make, festive, and bright.
All I did was take a bottle of shaved ice/ snow cone syrup and add some red, green, and yellow straws and flower snow cone cups on top.
It only took me a minute to prepare each bottle and attach the free printable.
The free printable is available in the supply list below. The little snow cone artwork on it gives a cute vibe to this gift.
I was curious if it is actually safe to eat snow because scooping snow into a flower snow cone cup and pouring syrup on would be an easy fun treat—especially for kids to eat.
After reading a bit online, I found this article on with tips and tricks on how to eat snow in a healthy manner and scientific evidence that proves that when you follow those tips in most cases it is perfectly fine to eat.
So, I just made a QR code and put it on the printable.
This is a great gift even if you do not live in a cold climate with snow… as there are many ways to prepare a snow cone.
I also wrote on the free printable that the receiver could “…or just blend it with ice”.
The flower cups remind me a bit of a sombrero and make the bottles look so cute.
When my daughter saw them the first thing she said was, “Oh, those are so pretty”.
I bet recipients of these would feel the same way.
Supply list for a Christmas Neighbor Gift Just Add Snow… Snow Cones gift
cellophane bags 3×5 (x2 a gift)
Double-sided sticky tape
Flower snow cone cups and snow cone straw
Free Printable multiple per page
Free printable single per page
Cost Breakdown for a Christmas Neighbor Gift Just Add Snow… Snow Cones
The cheapest I found snow cone syrups on sale for is $3.15 on Amazon subscribe and save. I also saw them at World Market for $3.49 (Hawaiian Shaved Ice brand). = $3.15-$3.50
Cups and straws for one set 300 pcs for $24.99 cost .16 x ~4= .64
Ribbon Offray green 7/8″ = .11 ea
Double-sided tape a tiny bit per piece nominal expense.0
Printable (free) nominal expense= .0
cellophane bags 3×5 (x2 a gift) = .03 ea x2= .06
Total for this gift= $3.96 each
Directions for putting together a Christmas Neighbor Gift Just Add Snow… Snow Cones
Watch the video and/or continue reading how to put these together.
1- Tie a ribbon around the neck of a snow cone syrup bottle in a single knot do not double-tie it yet.
2-Wrap the straws as shown in the video. Wrap one half and using double sticky tape leave a little exposed so that when you put on the other side/cellophane bag you can stick that to the same piece of tape. Alternatively, you could just order cellophane bags that are big enough to fit the straws. I just used the 3×5 size because I had it on hand.
3- Take the straw bundle and using the ribbon tie it perpendicular to the neck of the bottle and secure it with a double knot.
4- Put the flower cups on the bottles upside down like a hat.
5- Print off the free printable (available in the supply list), cut it out, and using double sticky tape, tape it onto the bottle.
That’s it. Each one only takes a minute or two and they look so darling!
If you are looking for any other neighbor Christmas gifts for around $2.00 check out this post or this post about unique neighbor gifts as well.
Merry Christmas!
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