Elf on the Shelf: Snowboarding the Halfpipe.
Our elves, Pepper and Winter, a sibling Elf on the Shelf duo, really made my day today…
because I LOVE snowboarding!
I used to snowboard about 4-6 times a week.
At one time I was competing on an amateur level and instructing others with snowboarding lessons.
It became a passion of mine—I just couldn’t get enough of snowboarding.
I still love riding for fun but with four kids, the days I get to go riding are few and far between.
Hopefully, when our toddlers are older, I’ll get to go a lot more.
Although I’m not that great at it, I love riding the halfpipe.
So, to see our elves riding our bathtub like it’s a halfpipe is really fun for me!
I really like the details our Elf on the Shelf duo got in this scene.
Winter is traversing the flat to the other transition.
The way she is crouching down makes it look more life-like to me.
When a person rides the pipe and he/she is traversing from one wall to the other, they often crouch down in the flat to build up speed for the next wall hit.
The way Pepper’s scarf is stretched out makes him look like he is in motion.
I can almost hear him yelling, “dropping”, which is what snowboarders say when they are dropping into a halfpipe.
I love that his knees are bent and his body is falling into the pipe as this is how you are really supposed to drop in—with your full weight to get enough speed for your first hit.
The details in their gear also make me smile.
My first pair of really nice goggles were won at a competition and they were the brand Dragon. So, the tiny Dragon logo on his goggles still melts my heart.
He first acquired these for his Elf on the Shelf: Snowmobiling scene.
The boa laces on his boots are hard to see but here is a photo of them close up…
I’ve been using boas since they came out in 2001, they utilize wire instead of strings and can be loosened for the lift ride so your feet can wiggle and breathe, and then they can be tightened extremely tight by twisting the knob. I would tighten them as you tightened my bindings to make for better riding and a more responsive board. They are so amazing and are my favorite boot system.
Another fun thing for me to see is the detail in his bindings (hard to see), his snowboard, and his gloves.
Winter is looking pretty stylish as well.
Her fluffy white beanie and modern jacket are definitely items I’d wear.
Her scarf, snow pants, pink goggles,
and pink board are cute as well. She has the same board, bindings, boots, gloves and pants as pepper, just in a different color.
This snowboarding halfpipe scene brings a smile to my face.
As you can see in the photos and video, it was hard to get really great lighting in this bathroom as it doesn’t have a window.
I brought in an external light in hopes to capture it better; while it helped, there are still some shadows and shading that made it difficult to capture just how cute this scene was in person.
Supply List for this Elf on the Shelf: Snowboarding the Halfpipe.
paint (pewter grey) and foam brush
stuff to make goggles, earmuffs, and a scarf
How I think Winter and Pepper put together this Elf on the Shelf: Snowboarding the Halfpipe.
1- Pepper’s snowboard and gloves got painted Pewter paint vs the pink they came as.
2- Pepper donned his earmuffs, goggles, and scarf which I describe how I think someone could make them in this post.
3-Pepper’s and Winter’s legs were stuffed into the snowboarding boots and illusion wire was wrapped around each one to keep his legs secure.
4- Once Pepper and Winter had their boots tightened, they stepped into the board, and again, illusion wire is used to wrap the boots onto the board.
5- Pepper has a large suction cup behind his back that is holding him in his ‘drop in’ frozen stance.
6- Hot glue, which comes off of this tub just fine—even after it dries, is used to keep his board where he wants it to be.
7- Thin floral wire is wrapped around Winter’s legs and neck (under her scarf) to keep her in her stance and then and hand and glove are hot glued so she can keep her standing above her board which is also hot glued onto the tub surface.
I bet there was a bit of negotiating Winter’s stance to get it just right… but once the board, glove, and her hand inside the glove as well as the wire were all secured, she kept her frozen stance just fine (which was about 22 hours before they moved on to the next scene).
8- Finally, faux snow is sprinkled in the tub and the elves for effect. It was also used to cover up the suction cup holding Pepper, the illusion wire, and the hot glue beads that were sticking out from under the snowboards.
I do think that this particular scene probably took some time to set up, but since I love snowboarding and my older kids are beginning to as well, it was worth it.
To see more details of this halfpipe scene check out the video on this post.
To see more Elf on the Shelf ideas check out this post here.
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