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I love the book and the movie The Help. If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend it. In the book and movie the maid, Aibileen Clark, tells the …
I love the book and the movie The Help. If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend it. In the book and movie the maid, Aibileen Clark, tells the …
Before I got pregnant cleaning was pretty easy. I usually kept a clean house and enjoyed having it that way. During my fourth through nine months, I had PGP …
Once in a while I’m reminded of how scary the world can be. The other day my 24-year-old beautiful blonde sister unknowingly went to a very scary part of town …
Guest post by Karen Jensen, my sister and co-author of our book Living a Rich Life as a Stay-at-Home Mom: How to Build a Successful Financial Foundation for You and …
You may wonder what the mom of a toddler knows about bullying. Well, I’ve been the victim of bullying and I’ve also been the bully. I’ve learned about both sides. …
Why am I giving away over $4,500.00 worth of awesome products? Because you’ve so warmly welcomed me into the online world. When I first started this blog four months ago, …
Some days pass in almost a haze. Sometimes I’ll sit back and think about what I did during the week and wonder where the time went. Often, I don’t even …
Recently, my friends and I put on a baby shower for our friend Ashley. Kim, Rebecca, Julie, JoLynn, and I all pitched in. It’s amazing what you can do as …
I just adore Peter Rabbit and his siblings Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton Tail. Beatrix Potter (the author) was an amazing woman who had a fairly difficult life. Ever since reading …
On Baby I’ve recently read a lot of threads and forums of people asking and commenting on a baby shower’s cost. Most people were saying that baby showers cost …
A few years ago, I worked at a very exclusive resort as a fine-dinning waitress. I met many celebrities; Katy Perry, Anne Hathaway, Susan Somers, Russell Brand, world leaders, famous entrepreneurs, …