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Step 23 of The Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 23 of The Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

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Just a few days ago I posted this post on Facebook:

Someone asked me which app it was that I was using. I told them it is an app called Gas Buddy.

Gas Buddy has saved me a ton of money on fuel and it is really convenient. All I do is type in my zip code (or allow it to see my location) and it shows me the fuel prices at the gas stations nearby.

It also allows me to see prices for regular, mid-grade, premium, and diesel if needed.

Fuel can be a large expense. It makes sense to cut costs where possible. Here are 10 ways to cut costs on fuel:

1. Download the GasBuddy app or visit and check prices before going to fuel up.

2. Get a Costco or Sam’s Club membership (if you live nearby one).

3. Use fuel discounts through reward points earned at certain grocery stores (Kroger, Smith’s, Harmon’s, etc.)

4. Carpool.

5. Staying below 3 RPM on your car gauge (esp. on highway/freeway driving) will save you money by burning fuel more efficiently.

6. Take public transportation.

7. Utilize fuel point cards at gas stations that have their own free cards (Maverick, Flying J, etc.)

8. Drive less when possible.

9. Use the most efficient fuel grade for your vehicle. Test your car by filling up with a specific fuel grade and compare how many miles/gallon each fuel grade gets you.  For our Subaru, we get 4 miles more per gallon by using the premium fuel which more than makes up for the price difference. It saves us money to buy premium fuel.

10. Keep your car engine tuned and tires full of the correct air pressure to save money on gas.

So Challenge #23 is to begin implementing at least two of the ten mentioned ways to save on fuel. If you don’t drive a vehicle, look for ways to save on the type of transportation you do use.

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Step 22 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

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Step 23 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course. Challenge #23 is to begin implementing at least two of the ten mentioned ways to save on fuel. #livelikeyouarerich #financialfitness #bootcamp #financialtips #savemoney


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