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Step 30 of The Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 30 of The Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

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Karen writes,

Around the time I was expecting my first child, I was working full-time and owned another business my husband and I ran on the side.

We had waited a long time for our first little girl to come along and I had already decided I would quit my full-time job and stay at home with her. We were out of debt and with my husband’s income and our side business I knew we would be okay financially. 

One day I had to make a long drive by myself and I had been thinking quite a lot about our side business. Something was troubling me and I was debating on whether we should keep the business. While driving I said a prayer that I would know what to do.

After the prayer, the idea came very clearly that we should sell our business and that I should focus on our family. 

Selling the business didn’t make financial sense, especially since I had quit my full-time job. But the impression had been clear and I knew I should follow it.

I spoke to my husband and we decided we would at least see if we could sell it. Surprisingly, we were able to make arrangements with a buyer and sell the business quite quickly.

That decision proved to be a very providential decision as we ended up moving a few months later. And it was all due to the fact that I sought wisdom greater than my own. 

Throughout my life, I have had to make some very big financial decisions: whether to buy a particular vehicle, make an offer on a home, take a certain job, start a business, etc.  I have always prayed before making any big decisions and asked for guidance. I have also taken time to think about the choices, do research, and do my best to make wise decisions. 

I can specifically remember two different occasions when my husband and I put offers in on places that weren’t meant for us to buy. In both instances, our offers were not accepted. I have been so thankful for that. It seems that even if we make the wrong choice if we are trying our best to be wise, things still work out in our favor. 

So Challenge #30 is to never make big financial decisions impulsively. Impulsive buys usually cause regret. Study it out in your mind, seek guidance, do your research, and be patient before making big purchases or financial decisions.

Following this advice may benefit you more than anything else you can do.

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Step 2 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

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Step 12 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 13 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

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Step 19 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 20 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 21 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 22 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 23 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 24 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 25 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 26 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 27 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 28 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

Step 29 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course

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Step 30 of the Financial Fitness Bootcamp Course. Challenge #30 is to never make big financial decisions impulsively.


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