A lot of people are searching for ways to increase their income. Yet, it is hard to know which jobs are legitimate, trustworthy, and how to get started. So instead of just listing what jobs there are out there, I reached out to over 30 people who actually do make money doing the jobs below. They were interviewed and all asked the same helpful questions to help you determine if it is something you’d like to do.
If you click the links below, you will be taken to an interview of at least one, sometimes two people I know who work in the capacity listed. So please bookmark this, or pin it as a resource because I will continue to add jobs to this list. Most of these jobs (not all) can be done from home. If you work from home, what you do is not listed yet, and you want to be interviewed, please reach out. I do compensate moderately for your participation. Please comment or email me.
Series 1: Medical Billing
Series 2: Starting an Online Business
Series 3: Housecleaning
Series 4: Cosmetology
Series 5: At-Home Airline Assistant
Series 6: Become an At-Home Employee
Series 7: Beachbody Coaching– removed
Series 8: Freelance Writing
Series 9: Run an at-Home Daycare
Series 10: Write and Self-Publish an eBook Part 1 & Part 2
Series 11: Teach Music Lessons from Home
Series 12: Distribute a Product You Love
Series 13: Blogging
Series 14: Become a Virtual Assistant
Series 15: Buying and Reselling Cheap Finds
Series 16: Become an Editor
Series 17: How to Make Money as a Transcriptionist
Series 18: How to Write and Publish a Paperback or Hardback Book
Series 19: Do Online Tech Support from Home
Series 20: Graphic Design
Series 21: Sell Your Own Sheet Music Part 1 and Part 2
Series 22: Start a Preschool from Home
Series 23: Start Your Own Boutique
Series 24: How to Make Money on YouTube
Series 25: Take Legitimate Online Surveys
Series 26: Open an Etsy Shop
Series 27: Become a Photographer
Series 28: Become a Property Manager
Series 29: Make Money Locally Teaching a Talent, Sport, or Hobby
Series 30: Substitute Teaching
Series 31: Sell Shaklee (MLM)-removed
Series 32: Review Websites for UserTesting
Series 33: Sell Mary Kay(MLM)-removed
Series 34: Become an Affiliate with Spark Naturals Essential Oils
Series 35: Quilting and Embroidery
Series 36: Make Money by Doing Laundry for Others through Laundry Care
more coming…pin or bookmark for more.
Although this is part of my Money-Making Stay-at-Home Mom series, I have interviews lined up with men and other women that will be coming soon.
Looking to just land a job? I used to be a hiring manager and wrote this article Top 7 Proven Ways to Get Hired which may be helpful for you.

Red at refundsweepers.com
Wednesday 4th of March 2015
Nice tips and a lot of them. They might also try using credit cards that pay cash rebates when they use them.